You have heard it said that “actions speak louder than words,” which is why dance is such a unique visual art in and of itself.

With it, we have the ability to turn our thoughts, emotions, and passions in a bodily expression that glorifies and speaks to our Creator when our words simply can’t. God has gifted many of our students at Atlantic Christian Academy with the ability and desire to dance, and we are so excited to be a part of encouraging and developing those talents.

In dance there is not only creative freedom, but also technique, discipline, and structure.  Dancers learn how to let go, as well as how to control. Dance is both rigid and graceful, rigorous and liberating, and offers more than just physical exercise. It is an opportunity for our bodies to aesthetically and symbolically be representations of our love for God. Dance is mentioned on many occasions in Scripture. In Exodus 15:20, Miriam, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine in her hand and led a joyful dance to the Lord, celebrating Israel’s newfound freedom from slavery. In 2 Samuel 6:16, David leaps and dances before God. Just like other arts forms, such as music, painting, or theatre, dance can be amazing worshipful and God-honoring.

ACA’s dance department program instills in students the value of proper dance technique, placement, and body awareness. Classes teach students how to express themselves creatively in worship, while also teaching them the importance of physical and mental agility and skill. Most importantly, the idea is reinforced that we don’t simply dance as a means to perform for a physical audience, but rather we dance to give glorify to the single most important audience, our Creator.